World History-Honors
Course Guidelines
Mr. Sultz, iPrep Academy
Email: [email protected]
X (formerly Twitter): @Sultztonian
General Overview:
This course is a survey course designed to provide students the opportunity to acquire an understanding and interest in World History. The course has been designed to use a blended model of instruction infusing technology, virtual resources and a motivated teacher in the classroom to help facilitate learning. iPrep Academy is a Global Magnet School and global themes will be infused into the curriculum throughout the entire school year. The four specific student outcomes that we are pursuing are as follows: An Appreciation for Diversity; Cultural Understanding; Global Knowledge, and Global Engagement.
I look forward to helping you make this a successful and exciting school year. As learners in my classroom, you are entitled to my commitment to your academic achievement, and I promise to give you my best effort. As your teacher, I am entitled to your cooperation in the learning process, and I expect you to give your best effort as well. You are expected to learn the policies of this class and meet the academic and behavioral requirements listed below.
Academic Grade Evaluation
Class Work: 10 points
Home Learning: 10 points
Digital Notebook: 25 points
Participation: 25 points
Quizzes: 50 points
Mini-Projects 50 points
Tests: 100 points
Projects/Simulations: 100 points
All assignments must be turned in on time or will be penalized one letter grade per day.
Make-up assignments must be requested if you are absent from class. You have up to one week to make up any missed assignments or tests. I will post all major assignments on the assignment calendar on my webpage so please check regularly.
1. Laptop: You must bring this to class every day.
2. Supplies: Always have a pen and paper, and an Expo Chisel Dry Erase Marker, we still need to use these!
3. Digital Notebook with five dividers labeled in this order: Section 1) Quotes, Section 2) News, Section 3) Notes, Section 4) Student Work, and Section 5) Travel Journals.
This notebook should only be used for World History Honors and be brought to class every day.
Attendance and Conduct
1. Regular and prompt attendance is required. I strictly enforce the iPrep Academy attendance policy. If you have five or more unexcused absences from CLASS, credit may be withheld. As an incentive to have good attendance on test and project days, I will offer a bonus of three points to all students if the entire class is present and on time to class on a test day and project presentation days.
2. Be in your seat, quiet and ready for work at the beginning of class.
3. Class will start each day with the quote of the day and the international news. You are responsible for the material discussed.
4. Please follow the school rules regarding the dress code.
5. Academic integrity is priceless! Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility in scholarship. Academic assignments exist to help students learn; grades exist to show how fully this goal is attained. Therefore, all work, and all grades should result from the student's own understanding and effort.
6. Respect and Responsibility are what we are all about at iPrep. Be respectful and act responsibly!
Important Reminders
1. Parents and students are encouraged to check the parent and student portal to access student’s grades, academic progress and attendance. The M-DCPS portal can be found at Please make it your responsibility and your child’s responsibility to check the portal on a regular basis. This will help us help your child be successful at school. I also post major assignments to the assignment calendar embedded in my website so check regularly.
2. Parents are welcome to request conferences on your progress. Please call the school or e-mail me to arrange an appointment.
3. Parent conferences will be scheduled for academic, effort and conduct problems that surface during the year.
4. How to contact Mr. Sultz
Email: [email protected]
On A Personal Note:
As your instructor, I will do everything possible to make this class both interesting and challenging for you. Topics discussed will be at an honors high school level and may include topics that make students uncomfortable or challenge their current beliefs.
I will give my best effort, and I only ask the same from you. Please plan to come to class prepared and alert. I will try to get to know each of you personally and to be available for any problems or concerns that arise during the year. If you need extra help, please seek me for assistance.
After reading and understanding these guidelines, students should sign below and have their parent or guardian also sign it. Then return this to Mr. Sultz.
Parents, please contact me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to a fantastic school year!
My parent/guardian and I have read, understand and fully agree to the elements outlined in Mr. Sultz’s 2024-2025 World History Honors Course Guidelines.
Student Name: _________________________
Student Signature: ______________________
Course: _________________ Period: _______
Parent Name: __________________________
Parent e-mail: _________________________
Parent Phone number: ____________________
Parent Signature: _______________________
Course Guidelines
Mr. Sultz, iPrep Academy
Email: [email protected]
X (formerly Twitter): @Sultztonian
General Overview:
This course is a survey course designed to provide students the opportunity to acquire an understanding and interest in World History. The course has been designed to use a blended model of instruction infusing technology, virtual resources and a motivated teacher in the classroom to help facilitate learning. iPrep Academy is a Global Magnet School and global themes will be infused into the curriculum throughout the entire school year. The four specific student outcomes that we are pursuing are as follows: An Appreciation for Diversity; Cultural Understanding; Global Knowledge, and Global Engagement.
I look forward to helping you make this a successful and exciting school year. As learners in my classroom, you are entitled to my commitment to your academic achievement, and I promise to give you my best effort. As your teacher, I am entitled to your cooperation in the learning process, and I expect you to give your best effort as well. You are expected to learn the policies of this class and meet the academic and behavioral requirements listed below.
Academic Grade Evaluation
Class Work: 10 points
Home Learning: 10 points
Digital Notebook: 25 points
Participation: 25 points
Quizzes: 50 points
Mini-Projects 50 points
Tests: 100 points
Projects/Simulations: 100 points
All assignments must be turned in on time or will be penalized one letter grade per day.
Make-up assignments must be requested if you are absent from class. You have up to one week to make up any missed assignments or tests. I will post all major assignments on the assignment calendar on my webpage so please check regularly.
1. Laptop: You must bring this to class every day.
2. Supplies: Always have a pen and paper, and an Expo Chisel Dry Erase Marker, we still need to use these!
3. Digital Notebook with five dividers labeled in this order: Section 1) Quotes, Section 2) News, Section 3) Notes, Section 4) Student Work, and Section 5) Travel Journals.
This notebook should only be used for World History Honors and be brought to class every day.
Attendance and Conduct
1. Regular and prompt attendance is required. I strictly enforce the iPrep Academy attendance policy. If you have five or more unexcused absences from CLASS, credit may be withheld. As an incentive to have good attendance on test and project days, I will offer a bonus of three points to all students if the entire class is present and on time to class on a test day and project presentation days.
2. Be in your seat, quiet and ready for work at the beginning of class.
3. Class will start each day with the quote of the day and the international news. You are responsible for the material discussed.
4. Please follow the school rules regarding the dress code.
5. Academic integrity is priceless! Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility in scholarship. Academic assignments exist to help students learn; grades exist to show how fully this goal is attained. Therefore, all work, and all grades should result from the student's own understanding and effort.
6. Respect and Responsibility are what we are all about at iPrep. Be respectful and act responsibly!
Important Reminders
1. Parents and students are encouraged to check the parent and student portal to access student’s grades, academic progress and attendance. The M-DCPS portal can be found at Please make it your responsibility and your child’s responsibility to check the portal on a regular basis. This will help us help your child be successful at school. I also post major assignments to the assignment calendar embedded in my website so check regularly.
2. Parents are welcome to request conferences on your progress. Please call the school or e-mail me to arrange an appointment.
3. Parent conferences will be scheduled for academic, effort and conduct problems that surface during the year.
4. How to contact Mr. Sultz
Email: [email protected]
On A Personal Note:
As your instructor, I will do everything possible to make this class both interesting and challenging for you. Topics discussed will be at an honors high school level and may include topics that make students uncomfortable or challenge their current beliefs.
I will give my best effort, and I only ask the same from you. Please plan to come to class prepared and alert. I will try to get to know each of you personally and to be available for any problems or concerns that arise during the year. If you need extra help, please seek me for assistance.
After reading and understanding these guidelines, students should sign below and have their parent or guardian also sign it. Then return this to Mr. Sultz.
Parents, please contact me with any questions or concerns. I look forward to a fantastic school year!
My parent/guardian and I have read, understand and fully agree to the elements outlined in Mr. Sultz’s 2024-2025 World History Honors Course Guidelines.
Student Name: _________________________
Student Signature: ______________________
Course: _________________ Period: _______
Parent Name: __________________________
Parent e-mail: _________________________
Parent Phone number: ____________________
Parent Signature: _______________________