AP Psychology Summer Assignment 2024
Instructor: Mr. Sultz, iPrep Academy E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://www.sultztonianinstitute.com Welcome to Advanced Placement Psychology! This is an exciting class that will look at human behavior. I am thrilled that you have decided to join this class and chosen to challenge yourself with the fascinating world of psychology. I am certain that you will find this course worthwhile and personally relevant. Although it is the summer, there is work to be done. Please note, AP Psychology is an elective, college-level course with higher student expectations than most courses taken by high school students. Having said that, it is imperative that we get a jump start on the AP Psychology curriculum. It is mandatory and in your best interest to complete the summer assignment. Your summer assignment consists of TWO mini- assignments. This assignment will be evaluated and incorporated into your first quarter grade. The summer assignment is due the first day of school in August. Assignment #1 - “Allow Me To Introduce Myself” This assignment is designed for me to get to you know you prior to the start of the school year. This assignment is to be turned in to me on the first day of school. You are to use well written, complete sentences, do not abbreviate words, (i.e., language you would use on Instagram, text messages, etc.), and use spell check. This is a professional communication like what you would use with a college professor or employer. You may complete the assignment in the form of a slide show, a video, or a paper. * Introduce yourself (include a photo) * What are your hobbies? What do you like to do for fun? * What extra-curricular activities are you involved or planning to be involved in? * Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it? Is this something you would like to continue as a career? * What are your goals/plans post-high school? * Why are you taking AP Psychology? What are you looking forward to in this class? What areas of psychology interest you? * Are you enrolled in other AP courses? Have you taken other AP courses throughout your high school career? * How will you manage your time throughout this upcoming school year? * What else should I know about you so that I have insight into you as a person before the next school year begins? Assignment #2 - “TED” The second assignment will incorporate some technology. TED is a nonprofit organization devoted to spreading ideas in short, powerful talks in 18 minutes or less. TED is an acronym for technology, entertainment, and design. I have sifted through the psychology section of TED and found 10 “talks” that could be of interest. Of these ten, you are to watch any FIVE of your choosing. After listening to these lectures, you will provide a one paragraph summary OF EACH LECTURE consisting of at least seven sentences. Feel free to incorporate your opinion of the talk and discuss terms you were interested in, as well as terms you were unsure about. 1) Philip Zimbardo: The Psychology of Evil 2) Keith Barry: Brain Magic 3) Susan Cain: Power of Introverts 4) Martin Seligman: New Era of Positive Psychology 5) Angela Lee Duckworth: The Key To Success - Grit 6) Amy Cuddy: Body Language Shapes Who You Are 7) Dan Gilbert: Surprise Science of Happiness 8). Pamela Meyer: How To Spot A Liar 9) Ben Ambridge - 10 Myths About Psychology Debunked 10) Shawn Achor: The Happy Secret To Better Work |