Unit 1: Scientific Foundations of Psychology
Psychology has evolved markedly since its inception as a discipline in 1879 . There have been significant changes in the theories that psychologists use to explain behavior and mental processes . In addition, the methodology of psychological research has expanded to include a diversity of approaches to data gathering . Which forms of research are appropriate for the study of different behaviors? How do psychologists draw appropriate conclusions about behavior from research? How do psychologists make ethical decisions about researching behavior with human and animal subjects? Stay tuned! |
History of PsychologyUnit Objectives
Gestalt, psychoanalytic/psychodynamic, and humanism emerging later; evolutionary, biological, and cognitive as more contemporary approaches
Past, Present, and Promise-DISCOVERING PSYCHOLOGY Intro to Psychology - Crash Course Psychology #1 (video) |
Thinking Like a PsychologistUnit Objectives
Research Strategies in PsychologyUnit Objectives
Understanding Research-DISCOVERING PSYCHOLOGY Psychological Research - Crash Course Psychology #2 (video) |