AP World History: Modern
2024-2025 Course Guidelines
Mr. Sultz, iPrep Academy
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.sultztonianinstitute.com
X (formerly Twitter): @Sultztonian
Course Overview:
AP World History: Modern is an introductory college-level modern world history course. Students cultivate their understanding of world history from c. 1200 CE to the present through analyzing historical sources and learning to make connections and craft historical arguments as they explore concepts like humans and the environment, cultural developments and interactions, governance, economic systems, social interactions and organization, and technology and innovation. iPrep Academy is a Global Magnet School and global themes will be infused into the curriculum throughout the entire school year. The four specific student outcomes that we are pursuing are as follows: An Appreciation for Diversity; Cultural Understanding; Global Knowledge, and Global Engagement.
The College Board
It is recommended that students read the College Board’s AP World History: Modern Course and Exam Description. The two-semester course meets College Board requirements. All students will take the AP Exam on May 8, 2025 to demonstrate their mastery of this course.
Course Content
The course content is organized into commonly taught units of study that provide a suggested sequence for the course. These units comprise the content and conceptual understandings that colleges and universities typically expect students to master to qualify for college credit and/or placement. This content is grounded in themes, which are cross-cutting concepts that build conceptual understanding and spiral throughout the course.
Historical Thinking Skills
The AP historical thinking skills describe what students should be able to do while exploring course concepts. The list that follows presents these skills, which students should develop during the AP World History: Modern course.
■ Developments and Processes
♦ Identify and explain a historical concept, development, or process.
■ Sourcing and Situation
♦ Identify and explain a source’s point of view, purpose,
historical situation, and/or audience.
♦ Explain the significance of a source’s point of view, purpose, historical situation, and/or audience, including how these might limit the use(s) of a source.
■ Claims and Evidence in Sources
♦ Identify and describe a claim and/or argument in a source.
♦ Identify the evidence used in a source to support an argument.
♦ Compare the arguments or main ideas of two sources.
♦ Explain how claims or evidence support, modify, or refute a source’s argument.
■ Contextualization
♦ Identify and describe a historical context for a specific
historical development or process.
♦ Explain how a specific historical development or process is situated within a broader historical context.
■ Making Connections
♦ Identify patterns among or connections between historical
developments and processes.
♦ Explain how a historical development or process relates to another historical development or process.
■ Argumentation
♦ Make a historically defensible claim.
♦ Support an argument using specific and relevant evidence.
♦ Use historical reasoning to explain relationships among pieces of historical evidence.
♦ Corroborate, qualify, or modify an argument using diverse and alternative evidence.
Grade Evaluation
Class Work: 10 points
Home Learning: 10 points
Notebook: 25 points
Participation: 25 points
Quizzes: 50 points
Mini-Quizzes: 25 points
Mini-Projects: 50 points
Tests: 100 points
Projects/Simulations: 100 points
All assignments must be turned in on time or will be penalized one letter grade per day. Make-up assignments must be requested if you are absent from class. You have up to one week to make up any missed assignments or tests. I will post all major assignments on the calendar on my website so please check regularly.
1. Laptop: You must bring this to class everyday.
2. Supplies: Always have a pen, pencil, paper, and an Expo Chisel Dry Erase
Marker, we still need to use these!
3. Notebook should only be used for AP World History and be brought to class
every day.
4. Ways of the World for the AP® World History Modern Course Since 1200 C.E.,
5th Edition by BFW
5. World History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Exam, 2022 Edition by
Attendance and Conduct
1. Regular and prompt attendance is required. I strictly enforce the iPrep Academy attendance policy. If you have five or more unexcused absences from CLASS, credit may be withheld. As an incentive to have good attendance on test and project days, I will offer a bonus of three points to all students if the entire class is present and on time to class on a test day and project presentation days.
2. Be in your seat, quiet and ready for work at the beginning of class.
3. Please follow the school rules regarding the dress code (dressed appropriately and mindful of your remote surroundings).
4. Academic integrity is priceless! Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility in scholarship. Academic assignments exist to help students learn; grades exist to show how fully this goal is attained. Therefore, all work and all grades should result from the student's own understanding and effort.
5. Respect and Responsibility are what we are all about at iPrep. Be respectful and act responsibly!
Important Reminders
1. Parents and students are encouraged to check the parent and student portal to access student’s grades, academic progress and attendance. The M-DCPS portal can be found at www.dadeschools.net. Please make it your responsibility and your child’s responsibility to check the portal on a regular basis. This will help us help your child be successful at school. I also post major assignments to the assignment calendar embedded in my website so check regularly.
2. Parents are welcome to request conferences on your progress. Please call the school or e-mail me to arrange an appointment.
3. Parent conferences will be scheduled for academic, effort and conduct problems that surface during the year.
4. How to contact Mr. Sultz
Email: [email protected]
On A Personal Note:
As your instructor, I will do everything possible to make this class both interesting and challenging for you. Topics discussed will be at college level and may include topics that make students uncomfortable or challenge their current beliefs.
I will give my best effort, and I only ask the same from you. Please plan to come to class prepared and alert. I will try to get to know each of you personally and to be available for any problems or concerns that arise during the year. If you need extra help, please seek me for assistance.
After reading and understanding these guidelines, students should sign below and have their parent or guardian also sign it. Then return this to Mr. Sultz.
Parents should please contact me with any questions or concerns.
I look forward to a fantastic school year!
Mr. Bradley E. Sultz, MS, NBCT
iPrep Academy
Mr. Sultz’s Course Guidelines Confirmation of Receipt
By signing below, I as the student confirm that I have read the course guidelines for Mr. Sultz’s class and that I fully understand the policies and procedures that have been outlined within it. As a student, I agree to abide by these policies and understand the consequences if I choose not to. I understand the importance of communicating with Mr. Sultz if I ever have any questions so that we can work together to solve any problems. I understand that I have elected to take an Advanced Placement (AP) level course, which means that I will be doing college level work, with a significant amount of homework. The work will be significantly harder than if I took an academic or honors section and I will have to work hard to earn the grade that I desire.
_________________________________________ _____________
Student Signature Date
By signing below, I as the parent/guardian confirm that I have read the course guidelines for Mr. Sultz’s class and that I fully understand the policies and procedures that have been outlined within it. I understand the importance of communicating with Mr. Sultz if I ever have any questions so that we can work together to solve any problems. I understand that my student has elected to take an Advanced Placement (AP) level course, which means that they will be doing college level work, with a significant amount of homework. The work will be significantly harder than if they took an academic or honors section and they will have to work hard to earn the grade that they desire.
_________________________________________ _____________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent Name: __________________________
Parent e-mail: _________________________
Parent Phone number: ____________________
2024-2025 Course Guidelines
Mr. Sultz, iPrep Academy
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.sultztonianinstitute.com
X (formerly Twitter): @Sultztonian
Course Overview:
AP World History: Modern is an introductory college-level modern world history course. Students cultivate their understanding of world history from c. 1200 CE to the present through analyzing historical sources and learning to make connections and craft historical arguments as they explore concepts like humans and the environment, cultural developments and interactions, governance, economic systems, social interactions and organization, and technology and innovation. iPrep Academy is a Global Magnet School and global themes will be infused into the curriculum throughout the entire school year. The four specific student outcomes that we are pursuing are as follows: An Appreciation for Diversity; Cultural Understanding; Global Knowledge, and Global Engagement.
The College Board
It is recommended that students read the College Board’s AP World History: Modern Course and Exam Description. The two-semester course meets College Board requirements. All students will take the AP Exam on May 8, 2025 to demonstrate their mastery of this course.
Course Content
The course content is organized into commonly taught units of study that provide a suggested sequence for the course. These units comprise the content and conceptual understandings that colleges and universities typically expect students to master to qualify for college credit and/or placement. This content is grounded in themes, which are cross-cutting concepts that build conceptual understanding and spiral throughout the course.
Historical Thinking Skills
The AP historical thinking skills describe what students should be able to do while exploring course concepts. The list that follows presents these skills, which students should develop during the AP World History: Modern course.
■ Developments and Processes
♦ Identify and explain a historical concept, development, or process.
■ Sourcing and Situation
♦ Identify and explain a source’s point of view, purpose,
historical situation, and/or audience.
♦ Explain the significance of a source’s point of view, purpose, historical situation, and/or audience, including how these might limit the use(s) of a source.
■ Claims and Evidence in Sources
♦ Identify and describe a claim and/or argument in a source.
♦ Identify the evidence used in a source to support an argument.
♦ Compare the arguments or main ideas of two sources.
♦ Explain how claims or evidence support, modify, or refute a source’s argument.
■ Contextualization
♦ Identify and describe a historical context for a specific
historical development or process.
♦ Explain how a specific historical development or process is situated within a broader historical context.
■ Making Connections
♦ Identify patterns among or connections between historical
developments and processes.
♦ Explain how a historical development or process relates to another historical development or process.
■ Argumentation
♦ Make a historically defensible claim.
♦ Support an argument using specific and relevant evidence.
♦ Use historical reasoning to explain relationships among pieces of historical evidence.
♦ Corroborate, qualify, or modify an argument using diverse and alternative evidence.
Grade Evaluation
Class Work: 10 points
Home Learning: 10 points
Notebook: 25 points
Participation: 25 points
Quizzes: 50 points
Mini-Quizzes: 25 points
Mini-Projects: 50 points
Tests: 100 points
Projects/Simulations: 100 points
All assignments must be turned in on time or will be penalized one letter grade per day. Make-up assignments must be requested if you are absent from class. You have up to one week to make up any missed assignments or tests. I will post all major assignments on the calendar on my website so please check regularly.
1. Laptop: You must bring this to class everyday.
2. Supplies: Always have a pen, pencil, paper, and an Expo Chisel Dry Erase
Marker, we still need to use these!
3. Notebook should only be used for AP World History and be brought to class
every day.
4. Ways of the World for the AP® World History Modern Course Since 1200 C.E.,
5th Edition by BFW
5. World History: Preparing for the Advanced Placement Exam, 2022 Edition by
Attendance and Conduct
1. Regular and prompt attendance is required. I strictly enforce the iPrep Academy attendance policy. If you have five or more unexcused absences from CLASS, credit may be withheld. As an incentive to have good attendance on test and project days, I will offer a bonus of three points to all students if the entire class is present and on time to class on a test day and project presentation days.
2. Be in your seat, quiet and ready for work at the beginning of class.
3. Please follow the school rules regarding the dress code (dressed appropriately and mindful of your remote surroundings).
4. Academic integrity is priceless! Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility in scholarship. Academic assignments exist to help students learn; grades exist to show how fully this goal is attained. Therefore, all work and all grades should result from the student's own understanding and effort.
5. Respect and Responsibility are what we are all about at iPrep. Be respectful and act responsibly!
Important Reminders
1. Parents and students are encouraged to check the parent and student portal to access student’s grades, academic progress and attendance. The M-DCPS portal can be found at www.dadeschools.net. Please make it your responsibility and your child’s responsibility to check the portal on a regular basis. This will help us help your child be successful at school. I also post major assignments to the assignment calendar embedded in my website so check regularly.
2. Parents are welcome to request conferences on your progress. Please call the school or e-mail me to arrange an appointment.
3. Parent conferences will be scheduled for academic, effort and conduct problems that surface during the year.
4. How to contact Mr. Sultz
Email: [email protected]
On A Personal Note:
As your instructor, I will do everything possible to make this class both interesting and challenging for you. Topics discussed will be at college level and may include topics that make students uncomfortable or challenge their current beliefs.
I will give my best effort, and I only ask the same from you. Please plan to come to class prepared and alert. I will try to get to know each of you personally and to be available for any problems or concerns that arise during the year. If you need extra help, please seek me for assistance.
After reading and understanding these guidelines, students should sign below and have their parent or guardian also sign it. Then return this to Mr. Sultz.
Parents should please contact me with any questions or concerns.
I look forward to a fantastic school year!
Mr. Bradley E. Sultz, MS, NBCT
iPrep Academy
Mr. Sultz’s Course Guidelines Confirmation of Receipt
By signing below, I as the student confirm that I have read the course guidelines for Mr. Sultz’s class and that I fully understand the policies and procedures that have been outlined within it. As a student, I agree to abide by these policies and understand the consequences if I choose not to. I understand the importance of communicating with Mr. Sultz if I ever have any questions so that we can work together to solve any problems. I understand that I have elected to take an Advanced Placement (AP) level course, which means that I will be doing college level work, with a significant amount of homework. The work will be significantly harder than if I took an academic or honors section and I will have to work hard to earn the grade that I desire.
_________________________________________ _____________
Student Signature Date
By signing below, I as the parent/guardian confirm that I have read the course guidelines for Mr. Sultz’s class and that I fully understand the policies and procedures that have been outlined within it. I understand the importance of communicating with Mr. Sultz if I ever have any questions so that we can work together to solve any problems. I understand that my student has elected to take an Advanced Placement (AP) level course, which means that they will be doing college level work, with a significant amount of homework. The work will be significantly harder than if they took an academic or honors section and they will have to work hard to earn the grade that they desire.
_________________________________________ _____________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent Name: __________________________
Parent e-mail: _________________________
Parent Phone number: ____________________